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Feeling fear and resistance around womb work is common

​It might feel like scary territory at first. Understandably so. Most of us have been taught to feel disgusted by our wombs. And many of us have had traumatic experiences like a miscarriage, abortion, difficult pregnancy/child birth, hysterectomy etc. I invite you to slowly and gently face these fears. The love, vitality, and empowerment waiting for you on the other side is beyond worth it.


Womb connection can help us

-reclaim the sacred nature of our cycles and menstruation

-empower ourselves through childbirth, motherhood, and menopause

-heal from physical and emotional traumas that directly and indirectly affected our womb space. 

-powerfully connect to our creativity, feminine/Yin energy, self worth, and intuition​




Womb Healing Guided Meditations

Womb Work Programs and Support Groups

Women's Circles

Cycle Syncing/Cyclical Living

Womb Massage

Womb Communication

For suggested programs, resources, videos and more, visit the Featured Resources Page here.

Not sure where to start or how to go about this?

Schedule a free 15 min. zoom session with me to see if I can answer your questions and help you discover what options could be the most compatible for you.


Email to schedule a one on one:

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