The origins of the word healing stem from the Old English word haelan, the condition or state of being hal, whole.
At its core healing is
the process of becoming whole.
An Umbrella Term
The process of healing is focused on repair.
This can include repair on all levels of existence, cellular repair: repair of the physical body, emotional repair, spiritual repair, repair in social systems etc.
The goal of repair being to return to/become a state of health/vitality.
And just like physical damage means there's been some form of disconnection/disconnect/breakage in things like tissue, nerves, cellular functioning etc. Healing is also about connection.
The word trauma comes from the Greek trauma (τραύμα) meaning
Our understanding and definitions about what is trauma, have changed dramatically in the last few decades. Our current understanding of emotional trauma is based on anything (event/experience) that went beyond our ability to process and cope. We now understand that two people can go through the same stressor/injury/disaster and one person can develop trauma while the other person does not.
Something that continues to negatively affect us even after the experience is over.